Owl's Nest Farm CSA begins with greens galore!

Our CSA begins this week! Here are all the good things in this week's share:

  • Head of bok choi
  • Head of lettuce (choose from Romaine, Bibb, or Butterhead)
  • Bunch of kale (choose from Siberian, Lacinato, Curly or Red Russian)
  • 1/2 pound of arugula
  • 1/2 pound of power greens (colorful mix of beet greens and chard)
  • 1/4 pea shoots
  • 1 pint strawberries (!)
  • Buckwheat shoots
  • 1 tomato seedling and 1 herb seedling (choose from parsley, basil, dill and cilantro)

There is some variation between our different pickup sites, but everyone is getting lots of greens.

We're closing online sales, but we still have a few spots available in the CSA. Email us (farmers@owls-nest-farm.com) if you're interested.

See you at the Petworth Community Market!

We're getting ready for our first market of the season this week! We'll be at Petworth Community Market on Saturdays starting May 7.

Here's taste of what we'll bring to market this week:

  • Salad mix!
  • Romaine and Bibb head lettuce
  • Pea shoots
  • Radishes
  • Kale
  • Lots of seedlings! Get your heirloom tomatoes!

Plus, we've got your last-minute Mother's Day gifts: we're bringing beautiful salad bowls - pots with a colorful variety of salad greens - and crimson clover bouquets.

If you're a Market CSA member, you'll visit the stand and choose from our offerings, then check in with us. We'll tally your total and debit your account.

Come out and say hi!

meet your farmer happy hours in march: let's hang out!

The three of us at Owl's Nest Farm are CSA farmers because we want get to know the people who eat the food we grow. We like food and farming a whole lot and it’s a treat for us to to share this with you all.

In this spirit, we're hosting a few gatherings in the neighborhoods where we'll be offering CSA pickups in 2016. RSVP on Facebook using the links below.

Here's the where and when:

We're looking forward to seeing friends, meeting CSA members and connecting with potential shareholders. See you there!